Monday, November 10, 2008

Three quick thoughts

***Concerning being a grown-up: You know you're a grown-up when you find yourself in situations where the decisions you make can alter the entire course of your future; When everything seems to be at stake, and everything must be weighed in the balance. It didn't really hit me until just now that...I'm really a grown-up! LOL. I face real-life, grown-up issues and boy, my mind is overwhelmed. But there's a joy in knowing that I can make these decisions on my own (with the leading of God of course) and not depend on my parents or close loved ones to make them or influence them for me. Yeah, there are downfalls, especially if the decision I make will bite me in the butt later, but if I succeed, it would be a great thing to experience that feeling for myself.

***Concerning love & fight: At this stage in my life, I'm realizing love. I'm realizing that love takes fight. "How so, Faithe? Love has no fight in it!" Indeed it does. I wouldn't want anyone saying they love me if they're not willing to fight for me; Otherwise their love has no depth or weight to it. Watch what and who you say you love...because you will be tried by your words. And one day you are going to have to fight for that person or thing. That's when you'll know if you really love 'em/it.

***Concerning layers of love: Things are not always what they matter how much you want to believe they are. "So, what's your point, Faithe?" Put no confidence in flesh. So when the layers are peeled, your heart will be ready to love even what lies beneath.



Anonymous said...

Hey Faithe,

Can you expound on your last point. Thanks!

Faith said...

Well DJ,

Sometimes we get comfortable with a person and what on the surface they show us about them, but that doesn't tell the whole story. We have layers that make up who we are, but not all those layers are readily or visibly shown right away. So we can't put our confidence in flesh or what we know of them thus far. There's always more to see and learn about them. As we get to know them more and more, those layers are being peeled off more and more. Some will be even more wonderful about them, and some things will not be so pleasant. But that doesn't mean stop loving them. Our love for them has to be able to penetrate down to the very core of them. Sometimes we love what we believe about a person. That's not always necessarily a true representation of who they really are. That's why we can't put confidence in flesh. But rather our confidence should be in love itself. Sometimes it's good to question yourself...Do I love what I think I know about them, the image I have created in my mind of them and have begun to adore, or do I really love them...for who they are? If we can't love them with their imperfections that lie beneath, then we never really loved them at all.

Hope this helps!

Anonymous said...

It was very helpful. Thanks for the blog, it was very timely.