Friday, January 12, 2007

The countdown 'till 25

In a little under a month, I will be 25 years old. Please join in with me for a moment of silence.................................................................................................................................................................. here's the thing...I'm tryna get excited and be hopeful about this yall, but it's not easy. I've tried enjoying my youth to the best of my ability thus far, but I don't know. I guess I'm so reluctant because I know that from this moment on I will begin to make some very important and life-changing decisions that will effect me forever. I guess what I really question is if I'm capable and equipped enough to make the right ones...cause to be honest, up to this point I haven't done ohhhhh so well with the whole "making the right choices" deal. But I have learned a lot about myself these 24 years and I believe that will be the basis of me being successful at making the right choices once that 25 mark hits and thereafter. It's not like I have a choice to be ready though. I only got 29 days left and there's not much I can do to make myself ready...but pray. ;-) And you can believe that I will be doing a lot of that.

From 25 and after I plan to take care of myself mentally, physcially, spiritually, and emotionally better than I ever have before. Those of you who know me well enough know that I tend to put the best for me on the backburner to please and cater to others. That's a good trait to possess, but at the same time, some people take advantage of that and don't know how to appreciate it. If I'm down for you, I'm down for you and I'd do whatever it took to show that. But it doesn't feel good when you're down for folks that's not nearly as down for you. And you're left with the bitter end of the stick. So, I said all this to reiterate that as I enter into this new era of my life, I will do better to take care of me...making sure that in whatever decisions I make and whatever relationships I enter into with people, I'll be ok in the end. Keep me in ya prayers...

Ms. Pinky


Anonymous said...

Spoken like a true CHAMP!!! Luv ya girl

Faith said...

I learn from the best!!! I have good teachers.

Anonymous said...

*Moment Of Silence*...................................

Faith said...


Faith said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I love that, so reflective, OMG I feel like I'm kind of going through the same thing, turning another chapter in my life.