Sunday, July 08, 2007

Being made into a vessel of honor

Sometimes people think that because of what they've been through and encountered in life that they are guaranteed a special stage to perform on. I don't know what to really say about that. But as for me? When I think of my life, all the places I've been, the things I've seen and heard, it makes me wonder why in the world God chose me out of the millions of young women who could have probably done a much better job at getting this "saved" thing right. But I realize that God has His own special reason and purpose for his choice and although I might not understand it now, I'll understand it better by and by. But what I love about this is that it proves the awesomeness of God. He can take the weakest of the weak, the most incapable of the incapable, and equips you with strength you never even dreamed you could have. I've learned that the enemy doesn't always fight those of us who have taken this way in life with things that we used to do in the streets. But can fight us tooth and nail with just the burden of knowing how much we have neglected to accomplish since we've been with God, given all he's put in us. He fights us with "What reason do you have to be happy?" "What gives you the right to feel good?"...because we have failed in some areas.

I realize that one of the greatest things about God's love is His infallible ability to encourage us to get up and try again. Man would have told us to give up by now, saying "you were better at accomplishing things when you was in the world." Well, of course! There standard wasn't that hard to come up to (or should I say fall down to). I'm not suggesting that God's way is hard. It just takes a made up mind and determination. Nowadays, it doesn't take much in the world to be like everybody else.

I'm going on a tangent here, but what I wanted to say in this blog entry was that in all I've faced in life and up 'till this very moment the battle I face, I could choose to hang my head in shame because of how I've disappointed God and those whose lives are depending on my advancement in this. But instead, I choose to consider Job when he said of God, "He knoweth the way that I take: when He hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold." If we can remember that the way God has allowed us to travel in life, involving the good and the bad, was already known to God, it wouldn't make us feel so bad when we mess up. Perfection is never achieved without mess ups. And soon enough, if we keep that high calling in front of us, we're going to be made into vessels of honor. And all those dishonorable things we encountered in life will just seem like nothing. I don't know about yall, but I can't wait for that day.

But do you realize that to get to a place of honor, you have to let go of all those dishonorable things you've held on to in life? Yup, including vain relationships that profit little or nothing at all. Swallow that one! But the one thing that most young people have problems with in being saved, is being different from our peers. I'll go even further to say that we have a problem even being different from our saved friends. But when you know what God is calling you to has a greater standard, you have to be willing to be separated from the separated. You have to be ok with God telling you that He wants you to be even more differet from your saved friends. That transition is hard, I won't even lie to you, BUT when you understand that your influence will be great enough to bring others into what God has brought you into, it becomes all worth it after while. I'm writing this to you all, but also as an encouragement to myself. I've been told that my blogs sometimes makes it seem like I'm always going through. Sorry, if that's the impression that I've given you all. But this is a part of my record of how I'm making it over and I hope that this helps you come through as well.

Ms. Faithe


Anonymous said...

Enjoy your journey with him, your going to love it, I know I do everyday. I am very proud of you taking this huge step in your life. I know it's not easy, but trust me it's worth it.

I really love you and very very proud of you....Your Big Sister L.H.R.

Anonymous said...

Of course mom is always late reading her email. This late response confirms that.

You made a statment in your blog that someone commented that it seems you're always going thru. You apologized for that conception. Well, I think that you need not make an apology for that. If I'm correct every vessel of honor in the Bible "always" went thru. Suffering is a part of Holiness and then Holiness with Power. Otherwise, we are weak kneed Christians. If we don't suffer then we won't reign with Him. The Bible also states that "...that I may know Him in the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His suffering. I may not have put that in the right order. So Faith, never apologize for going thru. It's the way to Power.

Love ya, MOM

Faith said...

LOL....My Mom is Awesome!!! Thanks Mom!