Monday, July 02, 2007

Are you content.......or just lazy!!!

1 : to appease the desires of
2 : to limit (oneself) in requirements, desires, or actions

Is it possible that people can be so content with things that it makes them almost crazy....I mean lazy!!! LOL I know the bible says we ought learn to be content in every position we are in life; however, where does one draw the line? There has to be some conditions to this. I don't think that passage of scripture means to just accept whatever life, things, or people throw at you - not unless you are going through a course of humbling, whereas you were used to responding and reacting to things so quickly, you would now take it and let it pass. But everybody's not in that class, and yet I fear that some people are just wayyyyy too laid back about things in life. I'm guilty of this myself, I must admit. I think that sometimes we take contentment and confuse it with something else. How many opportunities have we let slip away because we try convincing ourselves that our contentment doesn't warrant us gaining that ground? Maybe it's just me, I don't know. But I just hate to see people miss out on things because of their passive attitude towards EVERYTHING. I'm not suggesting that every good opportunity that presents itself is a good opportunity for you personally, but sometimes things are so obvious, and we are too content (or lazy rather) to realize that. Contentment is good, but sometimes we can be content in the wrong areas. Know what I'm saying? Is this making any sense to anybody??? Have you heard the saying "They're so smart, they're stupid!" That's kind of like what I'm getting at here. Some people's contentment has just turned into a nest of laziness and a loss of inspiration.

1: disinclined to activity or exertion
2: encouraging inactivity or indolence
3: moving slowly

All I'm saying people is don't lose your inspiration folks. Be content in life, but don't be lazy about life. Don't be lazy to act upon things that God has put in your life or a desire in your heart, for an obvious reason of blessing. Don't be ashamed or inconfident to believe that you deserve it. And on the other hand, don't be too prideful and high-minded that you can't receive it.

Stay up yall!

Ms. Pinky

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