Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Father's Day

Sunday my family got together to celebrate Father's Day with my Dad. I spent wayyyyy too much money on groceries, but I get like that when I want to show appreciation for someone. I didn't get decorations like I wanted to though. Dad was happy. I can't imagine what it must be like to have so many girls. And the only son he has lives away in Hawaii. Not to brag or anything, but I know my Dad must be very proud of how we turned out. And although there are some things I know he may wanted to have done better, certainly what's most important is that we have the foundation that is needed to get us where we need to go. Certainly in regards to the scriputre, "Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart," my Dad has succeeded. I appreciate my father and all the days I was able to look up to him in fear, respect, and love. I'm sure we all can talk for days about some of the decisions our parents made that we didn't necessarily agree with or like, and that they themselves may have made a couple mistakes along the way; but life's too precious and short to dwell on those things. They say I was the spoiled one out the bunch, (although I beg to differ - my oldest sister takes the cake), but more than anything they've ever done or given me, I love them the most for giving me a chance to choose the way of holiness. It has SAVED MY LIFE! Dad still inspires me today like he did when I was a little girl.
my lovely older sisters
Ms. Pinky

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