Thursday, January 05, 2012

In hiding

What's your safety zone - that "me" place you go to when you don't want to be threatened or targeted?  We've all gone there at some point and time in our lives - some more than others.  I understand the "niceness" of this place. You don't have to deal with contrary folk.  You feel safe and in control of things.  You can come out when you feel like it and go back when you don't want to be bothered.

Some of us have been dibbling and dabbling in this place far too long.  If you find that you're not growing or not accomplishing much, you may need to blow up that hiding spot.  Being comfortable is an awesome feeling. It really is.  But there's no future there for any of us in that place.  Hardships, confrontations, challenges, and tests are the necessary ingredients for growth.  But we'll miss those ingredients if we stay in hiding.

I never liked being out in the forefront.  For the most part, I've always been shy and soft spoken.  For people who never want to be anybody or go anywhere in life, this could work.  But for those of us who have gifts, talents, or big dreams in life, our hiding place will eventually kill us.  Last year, I was placed in situations where I didn't have a choice but to step out.  I guess God got tired of giving me the option, so he forced my hand.  :-/  It's scary.  You'll feel all out in the open, vulnerable, a target.  But scary as it is, I have a gutt feeling everything will be OK.  And we can't shy away from the adversity that will come as a result of stepping out of hiding.  Remember, it's a necessary ingredient.

So, when God uses different circumstances and events to bring you into the forefront and lure you out of hiding, follow his lead.  Just as much as you don't want to live your life and your dream die, God doesn't want your dreams to die either.  Help him help you!  No longer sit and stay in silence.  It's time for your standard to be seen and your voice to be heard!  God won't let you fall if you lean and depend on him.


1 comment:

BH said...

I totally agree, especially with the second paragraph. It's hard but true, Good Read!!! The truths of your own life begin to reveal themselves through others as a mirror to motivate & spark that breaking forth in your life!!! Excellent Faith!