I had a chat with someone the other day and he asked me what my goals were. He asked me to give him a few of my attainable goals in life. And I smirked and said I don't really make "attainable" goals. He laughed because he didn't understand what I meant. He said that every goal that you make in life should be an attainable one, or you set yourself up for failure. I totally disagree...and was quite offended by that! This is what they teach us in business and in school. This is what is printed in books as learning tools for a successful life, career, & future. But this is not the standard in which I pattern MY life after as a Christian.
I find it disappointing that sometimes we limit ourselves to these secular tools and tips that are created by men. In doing so, we lose the advantage we have over those with secular beliefs. In my response to him, I explained short and simply that the God I serve is too big for me to set "attainable" goals. That doesn't mean sit on a stool, do nothing, & wait for Him to do it...that's lazy! But if I settle my life and my future at always setting "attainable" goals, I never stretch my faith and my confidence in the God I serve, that He is able to do "exceedingly and abundantly above all I could ask or think." This is not just a spiritual belief. But for us, who live after the guidance of the Lord daily, this belief should spill over into every other aspect of our lives.
Therefore, I challenge you all with this new year...set some "unattainable" goals and stretch your faith beyond you and allow God to do the impossible in your life.
WOW! That word was for me my sister! I thank God for you and you allowing God to manifest his wisdom through you! Keep me lifted! luv u Faith!
Excellent Faithful!!! I loved reading that...It's like what good are the benefits to this lifestyle if we don't use them to get those things we can't get on our own strength!!! I'm learning to reach past myself and just trust Him...I gotta do it in my present situation!
Faith, In the corporate world, most companies make their employees come up with "stretched goals" every year, sometimes twice a year.. This means that attainable goals are too easy to achieve. Therefore, they come up with goals that stretch you further on what you could normally achieve. This gives the person more ambition to acheive higher than the norm. It's not a setup for failure, but it is a setup for growth and success. Now, if the secular corporate world practices this, what more could God do for his people. I always aim for "unachievable" goals, or else I wouldn't allow God to create miracles in my life. And hey, He's doing a great job.. Because I have accomplished so much that is waaaay out of the box and I know God did it and I just had to think it, ask for it, believe it, and aim for it... Sometimes, I didn't have to do anything but ask and it just fell in my lap... :) I totally agree with you here.
See ya, Charity
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