Saturday, December 13, 2008

?Secret Love?

not acknowledged; conducted in secret; designed to elude observation or detection; done without attracting observation; the fact of not being declared; fear of being discovered

an assurance; unselfish loyal and benevolent concern for the good of another; inspired by affection; an active desire

Recognize the difference between the two? If God's love for us were ever kept secret...where, oh where would we be?!? How can we say we love and keep it concealed? How can we say we love and fear? How can we say with our mouths we love and our actions not declare it to be so? How can we love and not inspire or be inspired?

Love is never secret. Love is apparent. Love is evident. Love is seen and visible to many. Love does not disguise or mislead. Love is love, uncovered and unbridled. Love is free, not bound. Love has no limits or boundaries. Love goes the distance and stretches abroad. Love has NOTHING TO HIDE! Love has no fear. Love knows no time! And so I you really love?


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