So anyhoo, my friend gave me a tidbit of background information on thongs and it sparked an interest in me to do more historical research on these interesting pieces of clothing. And so I did, and it was rather funny what I found, and informational. So I decided to go ahead and blog it. Don't have a cow...this is taboo as it may be to discuss amongst the christian community. I have found that we have some of the same concerns as "worldly" people do...concerning what's appropriate and inappropriate for our lifestyle as followers of Christ. In no way am I attempting to conclude whether or not we should wear them; however, this information will be given in terms of showing you a historical sketch to where they originated from and how they have evolved and landed in millions of women's dresser drawers...$2 billion worth per year to be exact.
Thongs trace back to ancient times which evolved from what was known as "loincloth." (loincloth is a cloth worn about the loins often as the sole article of clothing in warm climates). Said to be the first undergarment worn by humans, it evolved into the thong overtime. But here's the catch: it was first worn by men before it evolved into modern-day women's lingerie. How'd it land in our drawers for crying out loud? More about that later. But back to the men as this fascinates me! Egyptians were one of the earliest people to wear them. And King Tutankhamen (aka King Tut) was found buried with more than a hundred loincloths in his tomb! (Did he have a fetish of some sort?)
Thongs originated & evolved with men's athleticism in mind for ease and comfort (think jockstrap). "The style that many love so much on women may have actually originated on men," (Gina Cooper, Editor-in-Chief of on-line fashion magazine "Fashion Finds"). Uh-huh! Later on around 1874, a sporting goods company introduced the jockstrap.
Although today men wearing thongs has been closely related to gay men, I'm reading that it's becoming more accepted. (???) (not in my I read that attitudes are changing as more young men are embracing thong underwear. As a result, more retailers are making them available and carrying a larger selection as the demand increases.
Ok, let me jump back for a minute here and tell you how they evolved into a sex-crazed society and landed on women's butts! As our modern western culture reversed (i mean totally), thongs were more accepted among women. As women's role in society began to change to did our underwear! In the early 20th century, you had better not show your underwear - you couldn't! Later on, you could show a little. And even later, everybody gets a peak!
In 1939, Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia of New York ordered that the city's nude dancers must cover themselves more appropriately. The thong was said to have been the "tiny" answer. But before it hit the US, the thong was worn first (some say) and widely accepted in Brazil by exotic Brazilian dancers. (So right off the jump a red flag goes up in my brain: nude/exotic dancers = thong!)
In the 1990's, the thong began to gain widespread popularity and acceptance in the US as exotic lingerie became more popular. AND THEN CAME "THE THONG SONG!" The Thong Song was recorded by Sisqo' of Dru Hill in 2000, celebrating the tiny piece of clothing worn by a bunch of women shaking their behinds on the beach. In 2002, thongs were the fastest-selling underwear styles for women. Surveys say that 28% of American women prefer thongs as their underwear style choice. It's not surprising that the skimpy and erotic piece of clothing accounts for sales of more than $2 billion per year (in 2006).
At first in the US thongs worn by men had limited use including: dance belts (ballet, etc), posing pouch for body builders, and MALE STRIPPERS! Now, they are more common pieces of underwear for men as well (I hope none that I know!). They are said to set the young men's underwear apart from the underwear of their forefathers (yeah, ok!). Here are the statistics from recent surveys:
- # of American men who wear thongs as their "preferred" underwear style: over 4%
- # of men who wear thongs sometimes: 20% (more in the younger generations and less in the older)
Reasons why men wear them:
- When wearing close cut jeans or pants you don't have visible lines from the underwear
- Supportive
- More comfortable
- Provide increased freedom of movement
- Minimize tan lines when sunbathing
- Allows the genitalia to remain in a secure position while working out or exercising in as close to a state of nudity as feasibly possible (ok, why would anyone want to work out nude??? Ugh!)
I read that people are beginning to dismiss the stereotype that thongs are for gay men. Is that true? I don't know. But I read that most stores now carry a selection of men's thongs as well...after all, it all started with them right???
Reasons why women wear them:
- Prevention of visible panty lines
- Prevention of ride up so their not pulling at their underwear in public lol
- Comfort (really?)
- Doesn't ride up past jeans
- Fashion consciousness
- The feeling of being more adult & feminine
- Saving storage space during travels
- Minimization of tan lines
- Sexually empowering & liberating
- Aid in increased personal health, fitness, self-esteem, & sexual assertiveness
My Estimation of all this (from a Christian perspective) is that something originated with the best of intentions and purpose in mind, the spirit of lust and perversion always has to come in and twist its proper use and even the way we see it. You can argue all day how thongs prevent panty lines from being shown and minimize tan lines and whatever, but at the end of the day, most people wear them because of what it represents: sex appeal. Everything is about fantastical sex and diverse lusts.
As a Christian woman, I have to be careful what I allow myself to embrace (as a part of the customs, popularity, & fashions of the world), keeping in mind that I am instructed to adorn myself in modest apparel with shamefacedness & sobriety (which means appropriateness in speech, dress, conduct, and not excessive or extreme). And adorn myself as is fitting for a woman professing godliness with my works following my profession. {1 Timothy 2}. Knowing this, my food for thought poses the questions, "Should I wear a single or as a married woman? Do I want to wear a piece of clothing that is associated and/or evolved into a creation that was made for exotic/nude dancers to use for their craft?" Hmmm, something to think about.
Interesting facts about thongs:
- Rolling Stone conducted a poll of the 10 most annoying songs. "The Thong Song" by Sisqo' ranked #9 on the list.
- Thongs are available in maternity styles.
- Thongs are available for girls as young as the 3rd grade. Abercromie & Fitch sells thongs for girls age 7 and up.
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