I HAVE SO MUCH TO BLOG ABOUT...I'm bursting. That's what I get for taking so long to get my thoughts down...now it's all bubbling over inside & I hope I don't lose my thoughts.
It's late & I have a big day tomorrow so I have to try & get some sleep in, but just a brief outlook...
- it's HOTT
- I broke out! :(
- dudes here really like black women LOL
- everyone can tell I'm not from here, they keep asking me where I'm from
- I may relocate to Florida instead of DC after Grad school (hmmm)
- I've taken a lot of pics
- They have a Waffle House!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)
- I'm going to Universal Studios tomorrow
- I'm staying in an apartment with a patio & lake view...how cool!
- I saw palm trees for the 1st time!
- It'll be weird not going to church on Sunday.
- I got a fabulous pedicure! ;-)
- They have Metro PCS here! LOLOLOLOL
They have metro pc? LOL, good deal, cause im headed there on the 15th and staying till the 22. I was going to leave my phone here. Good looking Faithe!!!
nicki said they mostly like skinny girls
did u get on a lot of rides
SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO is she saying that I'm FAT???? LOL
I got on 2 rides...
very funny. But don't forget the hurricanes! Not so cool. Did you see the sign that says "Don't feed the Alligators, it's a federal law? I thought it was a joke at first. But it's for real! Watch out!
i didn't see the signs Mom. Maybe I'll see one on the way to Tampa tomorrow.
no, i didn't like animal kingdom that much...i LOVED the bug show, & I loved dinoland...that was it!
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