Friday, July 25, 2008

Strange Facts about Faithe

1. I haven't watched TV at home for going on 7 months! I enjoy listening to music more than I do watching TV.
2. I am addicted to the following snacks: honey roasted peanuts, & hot tea
3. My favorite quick meal is a peanut butter & grape jelly sandwich with a bag of Doritos and a glass of cold orange juice. It's the best combination ever!!!
4. Old Navy & Subway makes a lot of money off of me! They should hang my pic up in their store. :)
5. I still keep a journal/diary & write in it consistently. But that's probably not surprising to any of you. ;)
6. I subscribe to local governmental updates to my email inbox read them.
7. I don't like wearing the same outfit all day. I used to change outfits 3 times a day when I was only 2 at max. :)
8. My favorite movies are Spaceballs (hilarious!!!), Rocky, and the Jurassic Park triology (but keep reading...)
9. Every now and again I have nightmares about Tyrannosaurus Rex chasing me! - yeah, i's sad
10. My dream job since I was younger was to be a speech writer for the United States President.
11. I enjoy rock music...CHRISTIAN rock music! - fooled you
12. I am addicted to washing my hands. I hate dirty hands or the feeling of having dirty hands :(
13. When I sing at home, I sound horrible. Those of you who know how I sound in public will be surprised by this.
14. I fall asleep with soft music.
15. I color-code my closet (shoes & clothes)
16. I'm a pack-rat. I save a lot of papers & old notebooks
17. I like having the air on & riding with the windows down at the same time - it's so refreshing.


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