Monday, June 02, 2008

Capitalizing on the good in bad circumstances

For the past week I've been dealing with this circumstance that has really had me down in the dumps...and as I'm sure I stated before, I don't like writing in that frame of mind because it shows. Today I'm just sort of making myself not go there. But, I will say this. People in your life always want you to have the ultimate trust of them, but they do things that question or jeopardize that trust and it's like..."But i thought you said..." Everytime someone does something that hurts or disappoints me, I try to use it as an opportunity to re-evaluate me and make sure I don't do that to someone else cause I know how bad it feels to be the one hurt by it. So, to every circumstance there is a plus side. You just have to go beyond the hurt of it to find it and capitalize on that instead of the hurt. Otherwise, the hurt will never go away.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed the concert. You all seemed like you were having fun up there. You sounded and did good. mom