My friend Joey gave me a link to this video that really blessed me. I would have liked to have posted the video here with this blog post; however, because it has a few profane words in it, that would be against my better judgment since this is a Christian-based publication. I will; however, place the link at the bottom of this post. Some of you may have already seen it. It's a snippet of Madea in a play...not sure which one. I really don't watch his/her stuff like that. But what Madea was saying was so on point! I was like "Wow." She was saying that she models the people in her life as a tree. A lot of times we get lifetime relationships confused with seasonal. I fall victim to that a lot...sadly. Always trying to hold on to things/people that should be let go of or that want to be let go of. I think that runs in my family though. From what I can see most of my siblings are like that as well. We love hard...which is nice in some aspects, but dangerous in others.
Madea was saying that she views the people in her life as different parts of a tree. Some are like the leaves - when the wind blows they blow with it, left & right, and eventually fall and wither away. Some are like branches. Branches are dangerous because they can fool you. They appear to be strong and to have a pretty good grip, but some can unknowingly be easily broken off. Then there's the roots. Roots do not have to be innumerable, in fact, with some trees, there are only a few, but it holds the life of that tree in place...and they remain. While they go unnoticed (most of the time) and don't require to be seen on the surface, or care if anybody knows or sees them or the strength & life they provide, yet they remain. I thought that was awesome! (I was just blogging about this a couple weeks ago - Friendships.) The fact of the matter is that not everyone is willing to put in the level of maintenance it takes to keep a friendship alive and strong...and those kind of people you have to first recognize and deal with them accordingly. The bible says to deal with a fool according to his folly. :-)
Another notable thing Madea mentioned was that it's necesary to express what you are not willing to put up with and if the other party shows that they care enough to work on fixing it, then that shows sign of progress. But if not, let them go. As long as they are trying to work on that thing that shows they actually do care.
So...sometimes it's necessary to take inventory. What part of my tree are you?
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