Yesterday was a special day. I went to my good friends Consecration & Ordination service. He was inducted into the Pastorate (in layman's terms - he's a Pastor now). WOW! I still can't believe it myself. I mean, I knew all along that he was destined to be a pastor, but reality didn't hit until I was actually there, standing there looking at him in all his vestments (priestly garments). It was a joyous occasion. And my joy was expressed through tears. It was like a graduation. Having been companions for several years now and knowing some of the courses and trials each other had been going through - the service to me was like a graduation. Now he's entering into another phase of spiritual advancement. It encouraged me to continue and follow on to know the Lord, through my courses in life, so that I can reach my spiritual advancement in due season.
Mikey has been a great help in pushing me to get there over the years and I appreciate him for that. If I were able to express my sentiments of him I would have said that I have found a real brother and true friend in him. It's a blessing to have someone to grow in God with - even though our courses & callings are different. He always encourages me to go deeper in what God is requiring of me to do. Even on days when I thought I had done pretty decent, he would admonish me still and I'd be like "Man...I'm praying Mikey, leave me lone!!!" And he'd say, "Well, this is making up for all those times you wasn't doing right!!!" LOL I appreciate that a whole lot. We have different people in our life for different purposes. I'm glad to have him both as a great friend and spiritual brother.
In a generation such as the one we are in, young people like Mikey are like rare jewels. I'm blessed to know that there are some young folk who in this wicked time really want God, holiness, and want to maintain the standard of the way of our spiritual forefathers, despite the drove of temptations that we are faced with everyday/all day. And despite the lower standard that the church has taught our young generation. I believe God is going to raise up more rare jewels like these amongst our generation. I plan to be in that number. Do you?
Thanks Mikey! You've been a joy. The best is yet to come.
~faithlynn ;-)
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