Lately I find myself having trouble remaining optimistic about some plans I had now that I'm getting older. You know how there's some things you want to happen in life and you don't see any sign of improvement or start to wonder if maybe all this time you had been hoping for the wrong thing(s). Some of us had planned or thought out certain aspects of our lives, probably since we graduated high school. For the late comers, probably more around completing a year or two of college. How much of those plans were inspired by God's will and plan for our life? That's the real question. I got saved when I was 19 years old. At that time, I really didn't know what I wanted to do with the rest of my life. I think I kinda just picked something to get me through college and it did. But it didn't get me on the road to the success I had pictured in my mind. In some ways I feel like I have to start all over again; like if/when I start graduate school again I'll be going after a whole 'nother plan for success, and praying that it works and get me to the place I want to be in life. Success can be defined in different ways. I think only you can (to a certain degree) only define what success is in your life. It's the road to that success that gets a lil' complicated and uncertain. Sometimes you'll look around and wonder if you're even on the right path and if not, how in the world you got on the wrong one? Ever get the feeling like you're lost while you're driving, but you know for sure you're going the right way. Things around you look a lil' unfamiliar. I guess I just gotta keep driving...eventually I'll get to my destination. A few road signs would be nice though along the way. Just my thoughts.
You appear to be smart. With that said, I think you have the ability to differentiate and adjust when you see things are not going a certain way. So I think you will be just fine.
Sure hope so! ;-)
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