Sunday, March 16, 2008

Sacrificing your personal happiness for someone else's

I hate the fact that I'm the kind of person that cares much about what other people think and how they may be effected by the things I do and say. I've been that way most of my life. Lately, I've been trying to do the opposite of that and boy am I seeing the repercussions of that. Everyone has an opinion, everyone has criticism and their beliefs as to how I should do/say things, what's acceptable or not acceptable for me, etc, etc. I've been holding this in for a looong time, but I feel the need to express that it really bothers me that when you find something that makes you happy or that works for you, and make you feel fulfilled, people can't accept it and be happy for you. Instead, they want you to change things around as it pleases them and make them comfortable. But it's a bit unfair to require one to make such changes for their comfortability, while the things they do and say go untouched. I may not always agree with something you do or say or the way you act, but I can learn how to deal with that and still love you and respect you, because that's who you are and I can't change that. And the best way, I've found, to help change a person where needed, is to love on them enough until they see that that particular area in their life needs to be changed. But everyone doesn't use that method. I just wish people were a lot more understanding and a lot less critical and judgmental about things...especially things that are innocent and done with no hidden agendas or motives. Nothing I do is done to purposely harm, injure, or hurt anyone...but for my own personal happiness and fulfillment. It's disappointing when something innocent, something you love and makes you happy, people would want you to lose to make everybody else happy. But I guess, when much is required from you, these are the kinds of sacrifices that have to be made for the greater good. But I'd be lying if I sat here and told you this wasn't one of the most frustrating things ever...


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