Interesting Facts About Faithe:
Nickname(s) - mspinky & faithful;
Fav color - pink, brown, sage
Fav day of week - Saturday;
Fav food - white rice w/ Campbell's mushroom soup, chicken
What am I listening to? - "Home" from The Wiz Broadway by Stephanie Mills...don't laugh!!!
What am I doing at the moment? - Typing this...duh!!! and surfing, that's an awesome place, you gotta sign-up
Dream job - Write music for & produce christian/gospel artists...i got skills the world needs to hear ;-) or be a speech writer for the President of the United States & government officials. They speeches be whack!!!
Moma's girl or daddy's girl - used to be daddy's girl, but now I'm mamma's girl
Siblings - youngest of 6 (5 girls, 1 boy)
Wearing now - leggings, fitted hoody, pink pistons baseball cap
Collect - pictures & baseball caps...i love baseball caps
Shoes or purses - definitely shoes
Flats or stilettos - definitely stilettos
Relocation preference(s) - Tennessee, Washington DC, New Jersey, or Arizona (if it weren't so hott & no killer bees)
Best friend - I have more than one, and I will dare not slight the fact that I have wonderful friends that I adore like Mikey, Te-Te, Young D, Ardo, my buddy B, Tony-Wony, Jen-Digga, etc, etc. I can't name everyone, but all know I love yall.
Accomplishments you're proud of - I'm saved, a college grad, won high school prom queen, own a Mustang, and I'm not a spoiled brat anymore, thank ya Jesus!
Disappointments - Dropped out of grad school, gained weight :-), intended career path didn't work out, I didn't want to have kids after 30 but time is winding up. lol
Hope to accomplish - learn how to play the piano & guitar, own a business, a successful marriage and kids, becoming a spiritual mentor to other young people, publishing christian books & magazines, writing music for christian & gospel artists...that's a lot! I'm ok if I don't travel the world cuz I'm a homebody, but that would be nice to do as well.
Lessons learned - Acknowledge God in ALL your ways and He will direct your path, don't let problems linger too long without dealing with them, dead weights will eventually kill you if you don't let them go, don't make people your excuse for not being a better person in life, choose your own path (w/ direction from God) and be confident in who you are
Hobbies - singing, writing, basketball junky, tennis, & eating chicken :-)
TV shows - I watch tv probably 2 hours a lie. But I do like America's Next Top Model & King of Queens
Movies - Hate scary movies, love comedies, Jurassic Park Trilogy, Rocky Trilogy, Meet the Parents, My Best friend's Wedding, The Temptations
Hair up or down - up
Cookies - Chocolate chip & Peanut butter
Last CD purchased - Marvin Winans, "Alone, but Not Alone" - nice album
Fav Song - I have two: "Meantime," by BeBe Winans & "Grace," by Michael W. Smith, I can listen to Grace allllll day long repeatedly...sometimes I do. :-)
If you could have another name, what? - LaQuinta.....LOL...sike. Something simple like, Kacy
Gold or silver - Silver
Black or white - terms of clothes - I am very clumsy and white would just not be white anymore on me after I spilled my entire day on my clothes.
Dream vacation - A nice hotel resort off a beautiful beach with a jacuzzi inside, everything inside the hotel so I never have to leave, unless I'm going to go walk on the beach, ride in a fabulous boat, go see a waterfall, or going to an oldskool car show on a sunset strip, a play, opera, or basketball game...boy, what extremes! I'm kinda weird, I either like a lot of action, or chill with not much action at all.
Morning, afternoon, or evening - afternoon
Movies or Blockbuster - Definitely blockbuster...i never really enjoyed going to the movies...I'm the sit at home and eat ice cream & watch a movie type of girl
Pants or skirt - skirts
Dream Car - this is too easy: I want Eleanor (oldskool Mustang) in pink w/ black rally stripes, fully loaded in excellent condition!!!
Secretly want - a motorcycle and a short short hair cut (will get the bike, won't get the cut)
Secretly thinking about - moving out of state...not a secret anymore cuz I just spilled da beans
Animals - I loooove dogs...I want about 3 of them (Labrador Retriever & 2 Rocs)
Ice cream - oreo cookies n cream from breyers (um, um good)
Must have in your dream house - a state of the art studio & someone to teach me how to use it. ;-)
Movies you haven't seen, but want to - Evan Almighty, Oceans 13, 40-year old virgin, Devil wears Prada
Miss most about childhood - my summer visits to Canada with my Grandaddy Hugh. He had a ranch there and would take me every summer..and I miss going over to his house & him teaching me how to ride a bike. I miss him so much, he was my buddy!
Weird habits - I take my shoes off almost everywhere...and it's not because my feet are hurting. I just like having my shoes off. I drive with my shoes off. At work I immediately take my shoes off. At church...I be wanting to, but I sit in the front so can't really do it there, but it eats me up that I can't. lol And no...I DO NOT have foot fetish...yuK!
When you were a kid you wanted to be - a professional ice skater, I still watch it on tv every now and again.
Misc - My jokes are not the funniest, but I don't care. They be funny to me! ;-) And for the record, my name is really spelled "Faith" like in the bible. I started spelling my name with an "e" because I was planning to go to college for fashion designing and had almost completed my portfolio and everything. I was going to name it "Faithe Inc." So, I started using that name a lot spelled like that and it became a habit and soon everybody else began to spell my name like that...I didn't realize I'd start an epidemic. :-) So, for the record, my name really is Faith, straight out the bible. My dad and mom went back and forth about what to name me when I was born. He wanted Faith and she wanted Danielle. He won. And he would trip if he knew I was spelling my name like this so don't tell him!!! I hated my name for so long growing up and always said I was going to get it changed because I used to get teased a lot. Has that changed at all...hecky naw! I still get teased.
Any Testimony to share - At the age of 7 I was supposed to be dead. My family and I went on a picnic at Belle Isle and we were right off the water, the river that separates Belle Isle from Canada. I was playing by myself too close to the cliff and before I knew it I had fallen over the cliff and was drowning. There was no rocks or any barrier to separate the water from the picnic area. At the edge of the cliff when you look down it was nothing, but water. The cliff, from what I remember, was about 5 feet above the water. My family didn't even know I had fallen over. I don't even remember screaming because I couldn't. I would start sinking and somehow something would lift me back up on top of the water. I would just keep sinking and coming back up. All the time I was in that water, I should have been drowned or been tossed away with the tide, but everytime I would sink, somehow I would get pushed back up, and I didn't get tossed very far from where I had fallen into the river. That water was extremely deep and there's no way I should have survived. Most people that I heard about falling or jumping into that river, they drown because the tide is so strong it sweeps them away. How did I make it? My dad says it's a mystery, because all they remember was me walking towards them from the cliff, soaked in water, asking me what just happened. I couldn't even explain it myself at 7 years old. He said they didn't even realize I was missing until they saw me coming up from the water all wet. I never talked about it much to them after that, cause I didn't realize what really happened. Now, I angel had saved my life. I realize that God let me stay here for a reason. None of you would even know anything about "Faith" had he not spared my life that summer day. So, every time I think about that I am encouraged to continue to be a blessing and do what I can to help inspire or change someone else's life. I owe that to Him.
Anything else ya wanna know? Ask in the comment section...I'm done for now.
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