I find that too many people are way too guarded. I heard this song that talks about discovering who a person really is when they drop their guard. Funny thing about it is if that person never drops their guard, you’re only really getting a very small glimpse of who they really are. And no matter how strong and sincere the desire is to get past that guard, you’re only getting as far as they’ll allow you to go. I don’t know about you, but seems to me like one can only do so much and go so long only getting a fallow portion of that other person’s true self. Maybe I’m way too personal and giddy when it comes to these sorts of things; wanting to establish solid relationships with the people in my life, offering and giving all that can, while at the same time, hoping I’d receive the same level of intensity – or the best they have to offer. Maybe I’m way too dedicated and it makes what other’s have to offer seem so little. I doubt it, but maybe. All or nothing – that’s how I feel when it comes down to establishing foundational relationships with people. Maybe you’ll understand this concept better when you get in the position where you’re the one giving and your giving is hardly ever reciprocated back to you. Until then, you may never understand what I mean, and that’s ok. But I am who I am because I give all I have. And if I stop doing that, even if I don’t receive back, then I stop being who I am. But where do I draw the line? That’s the question. When is enough enough? Some handicaps in peoples ability to reciprocate has been more than enough for me to call it quits…but I didn’t stop at the straw that broke the camel’s back. I kept going until now the camel’s legs are broke as well. Now, I have no other choice, but to pick up from here, leave the weight and continue the journey without them.
Sometimes when God allows a relationship to be broken, while the pulling away may hurt, it is definitely life to you. And in order for that to happen, He allows a situation or circumstance to arise for you to come to the realization that it’s time to move on. This month…I’ve had to move on from a lot of people and things, as disappointing as it may be, it’s a great load off my back. Now I can breathe deeply.
Stay tuned...I'll be blogging again shortly.
I hear you!!! I know what you mean but what I have to come to realize is that the people who hold back and are too afraid to realize when a sincere individual wants to share in who they are that that person completely misses a wonderful opportunity. For a long time I thought that in some way that I had lost out but in future dealings with those people I see that they are the ones who miss out and the evidence is that they cling to the oppurtunities they have to be in your presence even after you have lost interest in playing sherlock holmes to figure out who they really are ya heard. SO don't hold back faithful be who you are the ease with which you interact with people the sharing of yourself so freely it will continue to pay off for you and consider it a loss to those who were too afraid to really know you. Because I am confidant in saying that knowing you is truly a blessing.
awwwwwwwwwwww...that was truly heartfelt. Millah, you're amazing girl! much love to my bff. so glad u'r in my circle.
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