Like some of you, I do believe that God has great things in store for my future; otherwise the enemy wouldn't fight so hard to get in between me & the blessing. We gotta be careful too...cause I'm finding out, as more and more opportunities present themselves in my life, that all opportunities that knock on my door are not good opportunities. They have an appearance of being good, sound good, might even feel good, but a trap can be waiting for you within that opportunity that will eventually get you off your balance and steer you on a totally different course where you were supposed to be headed. Sometimes, I admit, I get frustrated because I see a lot of opportunities that I can choose to pursue; however, the knowledge that I have someone to answer to that is much greater than my own selfish desires, I can not pursue them. But if nothing else, I'm learning to be patient. Truly it is a virtue that we must seek to obtain. Patience is mandatory...especially if you don't want to make a shipwreck down the line.
I'm saying all this to encourage someone to not get discouraged if you are presented with what seems like great opportunities for your advancement and you are instructed to go in its opposite direction. You never know the pitfalls you're being saved from. Just like those days when we so swiftly run out the house, running late and the traffic is so heavy; you are helpless and you can't do anything, but sit there and go as traffic leads. Little did you know ahead there was a horrible accident that could have, would have possibly involved you, and your dear life. And you sighed in relief, "Thank God I was late and it wasn't me!"
SIDEBAR--- Well, a lot of people have been wanting to know how my pursuit of finding an escort to my high school reunion is coming along and how it will turn out. This is a very interesting experience...I don't even have any worthy news to report....I have news, but not worthy news. Holla back...
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