Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Communicating with God

I think sometimes people don‘t pray as often as they should, not just because they don’t understand its importance, but because they don’t have confidence in coming to God. They don’t know how to pray, or they feel their prayer is inadequate because it may not sound as orchestrated as someone else’s. There is more than one way to pray. We can sike ourselves out of prayer because we don’t sound as good doing it as others may. It matters less how you pray when the underlying issue here is you need to communicate with God.

When two people are struggling to understand each other because of lack of communication, they really have to sit down and just talk! Talk with an understanding that it may not come out as clean cut as one may want to hear it, but say something! That is a start. Overtime, those two communication styles begin to become refined and connected with an understanding of each other. We can apply that same natural concept to communicating with God. Not saying anything to him resolves nothing. I don’t care if you holler, cry, sing it, or just speak it, but whatever method of prayer you choose – do it in FAITH! This is the key.

If you have no faith, or only working with a smidge of it, that doesn’t mean stop praying. Don’t stop coming to God because your faith is challenged or very weak. Keep praying by all means! It’s just that in praying without faith, He can’t respond. That’s the difference. Faith is what gets him to respond and move on your behalf. And the key is, while your faith is challenged and weakened at the moment, still come to God, and as you come your faith is going to be built and increased to a level where not only does He hear you, but He can respond now.

Pray if you just want to get something off your chest. Pray in faith, if you want God to respond.

“And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.” Matthew 21:22

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