Friday, May 06, 2011

I'm still here

Trust me when I say, my absence has been for very good reasons I'm sure you'll all be proud of.  However, I do apologize for the long pause.  Anytime your readers have to remind you to make a blog post, that's pretty bad! :(  (Thanks Conroy)

I'd like you all to know that I've been doing some very progressive things; lots of writing, lots of business, lots of tweeting (lol), and lots of homework!  Tweeting has become my source of outlet because blogging, of course, takes more time.  I hate to blog about meaningless things and like to take my time and give you guys something interesting to read.  Tweeting, I can say anything most times without much thought or research and who cares if I'm right or wrong.  That's bad, I know, but it's true. []

So here's some of what's been going on with me.  In a nutshell, graduate school has been kicking my behind!  I've been stressed, angry, unsociable, and out of touch since I've started my Master's program in January.  My friends have been at odds with me for not being able to spend time with them.  This has been a hard transition for me because I love spending time with my friends.  Now, I hardly ever see them.  But, I just hope that our wonderful times together will overshadow my MIA-ness (Missing In Action-ness) until I get a break.  I'm in accelerated courses, which means lots of work in a short time and little break in between classes.  I'm currently in my third class.  Thus far, my hard work has paid off.  I am an all "A" grad student.  :)

In addition, my business is having some sort of growth phenomenon all of a sudden.  I mean, it was growing, but steadily.  Recently; however, I've been forced to seek additional help.  Now, I have another very talented writer on staff, and two contractors for accounting services and graphic design.  Wow!  How did I get here? I don't know, but I am happy and proud of myself for what I've been able to accomplish.  It's not the easiest thing to do, juggling a full-time career, grad school, a business, plus my singing & traveling career all at the same time, not to mention a personal life.  But, what keeps my head above water is the sheer joy of realizing that God trusts me with all this!  Wow.  I'm grateful. []

Project C (my upcoming christian online magazine) has been put on hold.  Many people have been asking me about this as well.  The dream is NOT dead - just deferred.  If you saw my calendar you'd understand why. lol  But, the good thing is, I'm learning a wealth of things that will help ensure it be a great success.  You will not be disappointed!

Why do you guys even care what I'm doing?  OMG...I'm grateful to even have a following of people who are concerned with my writing and life's journey.  I'm honored.  :)

Very shortly, I'll be visiting Vegas again.  Vegas has become one of my favorite destination spots.  I anticipate I'll get some juices flowing for more blogs.  Thanks for your patience and keep me in your prayers.

P.S. Bin Laden!!!  From a Christian perspective, how does everyone feel about that whole ordeal?  Perhaps I should blog about my thoughts on it.  Just curious...


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