Monday, July 23, 2007 them or hate them?

Well, you'll be interested to know this strange thing that has been happening to me lately...

I thought it was just the whole "Facebook Factor" where the big world as we know it soon becomes such a small place, and you bump into all these people you hadn't seen in ages! People I thought I'd never see again in life, but thought about occasionally wondering where and how they were, I finally got to ask those questions to. It was amazing to me. But as time went on, this same thing began to happen outside of the Facebook World. I've run into about 10 or more people from my past in the past 7 months to a year. The funny part is having been reminded about the person I used to be as a child up 'till now. It's like I've taken an unwanted trip down memory lane. But it's like that had to happen. And I found myself apologizing to at least 3 of them for the horrible ways I had as a child. lol I had two sides. The one side was sweet as sugar, friendly, playful, and loveable. But the other side of me was mean, would beat you up, and bossy. I think the latter personality eventually dominated the other because I spent most of my childhood as a tom-boy. My older sister (won't mention any names lol) used t make me fight boys and if I lost, she would beat me up when I got home and talk about me sooo bad. So I couldn't ever lose again...and I didn't. But what I never told her was that one of the guys she used to make me beat up after school, we were so sweet and to each other and liked each other at school. LOL (I told you I had two sides LOLOL). So anyways, I reminiscing on these as I'm talking to each one of these people from my past and I had to repent to them for some of the things I had done to them and the ways I acted. It's embarrassing now, because no one would ever believe I was that hard. I grew up in the heart of the ghetto for the first 11 years of my life. I kept that tom-boy attitude up until the 9th grade when my Mom made me go to this wretched business school where I had to dress like a girl everyday in business attire - I HATED IT!!! But, after that 1 semester I spent there, after that, tom-boy was all gone. I started wearing heels and cute clothes and my knees are paying for it now for wearing heels all the time. So, it has been an adventure listening to these different stories from each one and it has made me appreciate the different stages that life takes us through because eventually it makes you into a beautiful butterfly. I had to go through the torture of having short curly soft Afros when I was little to appreciate having a nice grade of hair (although I cut it every chance I get). And all of them still remember that. It's hilarious. But I appreciate it because I turned out ok. I'm sure yall got some stories too. I would love to hear them!!!


Anonymous said...

Well let's tell the Lord "Thank-Ya!" for Deliverance! I understand exactly what you mean, I used to, and sometimes can still be mean, and "un-ruly" as one person put it. But I am yet seeking God to bring me out! LOL!!!! But I enjoyed that it brightened my day!

Faith said...

LOL...Yes! Thank God for salvation cuz we would yet be some hellions and hell cats! LOL

Thanks for the comment.

Anonymous said...

okay big head you didn't have to put me out there like that!!!!!!!(lol) it was just house rules!!!!!!!
love you much.

your big sis
not gonna say my name

Anonymous said...

wwwwwwwooooooooowwwwwwwwww faithe once you really think about it thats is true..well get bac @ me ma