In this moment, I am ever so grateful to God for the blessings that he's placed over my life. Even when instances of resistance and overbearing thoughts and opinions surround me from outside agents. One thing I do know and hold on to is that God is for me. The enemy is so very involved and interested about your life and your day-to-day. That's why we have to be careful about what we do and say, what we post on Facebook and Twitter, and what we share with our peers. He's sitting there waiting for that entrance; that tidbit of information to use against you. This is why it's important for us to have the holy spirit - to be led of him. It's way too easy to lose our focus otherwise. Because what we're asking God for and where we're asking Him to lead us looks much different from what currently surrounds us, and sounds totally different from the report we hear from people and circumstances.
I call those people and circumstances "paparazzi." The paparazzi are the people and circumstances in your life that follow you every where you go. They peek through your windows trying to get a glimpse of you. They write about you and say all manner of evil about you without regard to the truth because the lies sound better than the truth. The lies are what the enemy says. The truth is what God said. They mess with your family and try to dig up dirt on them to make you look bad. They constantly have the camera in your face, not wanting to miss you having a bad day, hoping you snap to give them something to report. They do all these things to get you to respond and your silence just makes them want to annoy you more.
When you arrive, they are there with their cameras waiting for you to step out the car to parade you with flashes and controversial questions. They crowd and circle you until you can't even see your entrance, but you just keep pushing through the crowd until you get to your destination. The paparazzi doesn't know your story. They keep up all this commotion because they want the opportunity to create a story about you and make others believe its accuracy.
Understand that while your paparazzi are waiting to create a different kind of story, all they're doing is helping to push you to the story that God has already written for your life. And this story will be the story that lingers and resounds. Everything they said will fall. And everything God said will STAND. So don't worry. Your book is already written. It's just being edited and proofed by God. It has to be right. Your character has to be fully developed and He's making sure all the errors are removed. When He's done, it will be a best seller. And what more could the people say after the Author has finished your story?
"But the giants are calling out my name and they laugh at me;
reminding me of all the times I've tried before and failed.
The giants keep on telling me time and time again,
"...You'll never win! You'll never win!'
But the voice of truth tells me a different story.
And the voice of truth says do not be afraid!
The voice of truth says this is for My glory.
Out of all the voices calling out to me,
I will choose to listen and believe the voice of truth."
~Casting Crowns~
Dear Faith,
This blog post makes plenty of sense. - how God is writing our stories, but we must resist the enemy's ploy for our easy access to the underworld of sin....the paparazzi - I LOVE THIS they follow us everywhere with lies that are candy-coated and distorted as truth...those without spiritual discernment believe them....they are hard NOT to believe...they are so filled with sugary substance......but in the universal ignorance, the Paparazzi are actually PUSHING YOU TOWARD A HIGHER CALLING - toward Greatness and the Building of Spiritual & Godly Character.
Oh - Hallelujah....
If I had written this, I would call it 'The Stand.'
And that's what I shall call it indeed! :D
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