Sunday, January 04, 2009

Dealing with loss

Christmas is over...the New Year is here...certainly it has been a challenging holiday season for me. A few days before Christmas a friend of mine passed and on Christmas my granddaddy was rushed to the hospital for an emergency surgery. Sadly he was not able to pull through so I lost my granddaddy as well.

As certain as death is for everyone, it remains to be such a hard and harsh thing to deal with. Nobody ever knows really what to say to the bereaved. And the bereaved really doesn't know what to say to those who try and comfort them. It's always an awkward feeling to have to go through this or be the one to be doing the comforting. But I really have been thinking about one thing in particular...I don't know how in the world people who don't have God in their life get through these times. He's the best comforter any bereaved could ever have!

There are some who tend to blame God for their loss. And that's not fair because it's a fact of life...we all have to depart some time or another. Instead, I tend to let Him be the great comforter that He promised He would be. You can't find comfort from the very one you blame. So you have a choice...blame God & be hurt forever because of your loss, or let Him comfort and heal you from your loss. I choose the latter.



Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to hear that! I will keep you in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about your grandfather. What side?

Faith said...

My mom's father. Thanks for the condolences. I appreciate you.

Anonymous said...

Hi Faithe,

I am so sorry to hear about your losses. You are right it is very hard to know what to say and how to act. But be assured that God will not give you more than you can handle. I can only say that I truly understand as I have lost a number of people in my family at a young age, but it does make your stronger and leaves you with wonderful memories. A lot of times I can consider what mother and grandmother would do in given situations, so the lessons they have taught us do live on.

God Bless

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about your loss my sympathy