Friday, October 31, 2008

Letting Go

A little while ago, I came into contact with something that over the course of the next few years would grow into a great admiration and hope. It was something that I was proud & delighted to hope for, and in every sense of the thought of it, it was fitting and seemingly perfect. It remained an admiration and hope, however it was one that I never wanted to dissolve. When you have something built on this level of esteem in your eyes, even when opportunities present themselves for you to dismiss it from your desire, somehow you continue to hold on to it, yet hoping that it would turn around in your favor.

Sometimes in life we find something hopeful and promising to hold on to. We carry it with us from day to day in hopes that it is slowly cultivating into what we want it to fulfill in our life or future. And even in turbulent times in between, the thought of it keeps you going, keeps you smiling, keeps you dreaming. Until of course God ask you to let it go.

Everything that seems great for us is not what God wants for us. Sometimes we only see the good in it and become blinded by that and can't see the harm or unnecessary struggle it could cause us, which ultimately could throw us off our life course. Thus he creates situations (if we don't' respond the first time) to allow us to let it go, even if at the time we still don't see why letting it go is necessary.  Bringing closure to things is not always an easy thing to do for various reasons: you think you can't operate without it, you feel it's best for you, you've grown accustomed to the thought of it being in your life forever, etc. Surely it will hurt to have to let it go, but the hurt lingers because we try to hold on to what God wants to strip from us.

In my case, I held on too long, mostly because I couldn't see how it may have been more wrong for me than what I saw was right. But God doesn't always expect us to move based off of what we can or cannot see. My inactivity was based off of what I felt; What I felt when it first appeared, how I formulated how it would work great in my life, etc. This is what kept me holding on 'till the very last breath. I held on until the last minute possible to see if it would be fulfilled. At times I thought it would, at times I was disappointed because I thought it wouldn't.

The greater frustration with letting go is the fear that nothing will replace what you let go of. But understand that God will never ask you to let go of something and not replace it with something more fulfilling, exacting, and fruitful. Ultimately, no matter what stands as an object of our desire or dream, if it does not bear fruit in your life, it is useless and waisting space in your heart. And God wants to take it out and place a fruitful vine there that leads back to His perfect and divine will for your life...your successful life. God will not hook you up to a dead or failing vine.

So, yup, here I am faced with the final opportunity and occasion to let this thing go. While I may still at the last hour not understand why it had to end like this, I just have to believe He has a fruitful vine that He's getting ready to connect me with, and in it lies my success. Today if I can get excited about what God is going to replace it with, then tomorrow will be OK.

"Hope deferred maketh the heart sick, but when the desire cometh, it is a tree of life." - Proverbs 13:12



Anonymous said...

You are always on time to the very second!

Love you!

Anonymous said...

WOW, Faith!! I needed that thanx

Love ya