They say the kind of car you drive tells a story about your personality. There's a story to why I fell in love with the Mustang. Ever since I was a younger girl I dreamt of having one...before I had a license or knew how to drive. I'm young, still preparing for a bright and hopeful future. There are some things that just help us get by...and others that help keep us holding on to our dreams. There are some dreams we have in life that seem like they'll never come true or like you'll ever be able to attain. But just as I was once a young girl, hoping to learn how to drive, hoping to one day be able to drive a Mustang...my dream car, driving it everyday is more than just a means of transportation for me. It's a reminder to me that it all began with a dream...with never taking my focus off of what I wanted to accomplish. Driving it everyday reminds me that dreams do come true. And on days when I am sooooo low and depressed about life and things that happen that seem to go against the dreams I'm striving to accomplish in life, seeing that Mustang in my driveway everyday gives me motivation to not give up or let go of my dreams. I don't just love the car because it's a fabulous car. I love the drive it gives me to continue reaching for my goals and dreams. If I accomplished one, I can accomplish 2, or 3, or 4, and so on. I know this may seem a bit silly, but it's a true story. It's my story.
"There are a few words that spring to mind when you think of the Mustang. Fast,
raw and original, are a few of them. Keep in mind that Mustang, to most, is more than just a car. It is a dream car. And at the same time, it is the kind of car that inspires dreams. Of
driving down the coastal highway, top down, wind in your hair. Of seeing the car in front of you disappear in the rear view mirror. Of spending time alone with it, just thinking, driving. Of taking road trips. It often takes you down memory lane, to places you haven’t visited in a while.
Point being, there are cars, and then there’s the Mustang. It’s a living, breathing machine. It’s not sheet metal. Think of it racing, moving, never still. Hear the roar of its engine drowning every thought and problem in your mind. Blur the white lines in the middle of the road, smell the gasoline, watch its reflection on the chrome surface of a tanker truck, feel people hold their breath as you take a tight, fast turn. This is the Mustang. Make it breathe fire, pounce on the road, entice daredevils and come alive." (Ford.com)
"There are a few words that spring to mind when you think of the Mustang. Fast,
raw and original, are a few of them. Keep in mind that Mustang, to most, is more than just a car. It is a dream car. And at the same time, it is the kind of car that inspires dreams. Of
driving down the coastal highway, top down, wind in your hair. Of seeing the car in front of you disappear in the rear view mirror. Of spending time alone with it, just thinking, driving. Of taking road trips. It often takes you down memory lane, to places you haven’t visited in a while.
Point being, there are cars, and then there’s the Mustang. It’s a living, breathing machine. It’s not sheet metal. Think of it racing, moving, never still. Hear the roar of its engine drowning every thought and problem in your mind. Blur the white lines in the middle of the road, smell the gasoline, watch its reflection on the chrome surface of a tanker truck, feel people hold their breath as you take a tight, fast turn. This is the Mustang. Make it breathe fire, pounce on the road, entice daredevils and come alive." (Ford.com)
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