Hey guys, I had a blast at the Newsboys concert...I mean, it was THE BEST. They put on an awesome show. It was fun, it was spiritual, it was funny, the music was so loud, and the instruments rushed through you. I told my friend it's like all my stress from prior weeks I was carrying dissolved into the music. LOL. It was very xhiliarting and relieving. I really needed that. I had borrowed my friends camera, but failed to check the battery juice on the batteries so I took only a couple pictures, but was able to get some video footage. My niece had soo much fun to. She's still excited. A part of me feels somewhat fulfilled now because I was able to go see them in person finally. But another part of me wants more!!! :-)
Glad you had a great time.
I can't watch the video now, but judging by your words, the show didn't disappoint. That's good. Especially with the built up excitement you had.
Nice, warm smile.
Gee thx! :-)
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