Tuesday, March 18, 2008

that day never came

It's funny how you wait so long for a particular day to arrive and it never does...at least, not like you thought it would. But somehow within that disappointment there's a peace that will now allow you to rest, and breathe, and go on about life without the worry of it anymore. Today one of my King Uzziah's died...now I can see! (inside joke)



Don said...

Acceptance close one door, and open up another.

King Uzziah?

Faith said...

lol...I knew someone would ask...I'm not sure how familiar you are with the bible, but it comes from Isaiah 6:1, "In the year that king Uzziah died, I saw also the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up, and his train filled the temple." Isaiah was referrng to a vision he had of the Lord, after the King of Israel (King Uzziah) died. Some commentators suggests that it was important for Isaiah to have noted that he had this vision in the year of King Uzziah's death. While it may have had nothing directly to do with the vision itself, the timing of it has meaning. I tied my particular experience to this text because sometimes, something(s) have to die in our lives (be-it a personal desire, longing, confidence in the wrong thing, etc - which ultimately hinders your personal and/or spiritual growth) before we are able to have a clear glimpse of things. Sometimes the very things we hope for day to day are the very things that keep our eyes blinded to what's real and what's best. Note: King Uzziah reigned for about 50 years & he was a leper (the most despicable disease a human could have in that day). The "King Uzziah" in your life could be anything - something you've held on to for a long time, something that hinders you or causes you to remain imperfect, etc. But the death of it, causes us to be able to see more clearly and (in Isaiah's instance) to be comforted in knowing that God still reigns forever, even when these other things in our lives die and pass away. Thus, I felt it relevant to say that in this experience, I felt like Isaiah did when he said "In the year King Uzziah died, I saw..." (hope that helps) ;-)

Don said...

Wow. I felt like I was in church while reading your email. You put that in a way where I had no choice but to understand what you meant. I really appreciate you for this email. It's so meaningful. To both me and you. You just don't know how much I enjoyed reading and getting an understanding. Thanks. In fact, I think I will save this email to look back upon in the future.

Faith said...

Aww, that's great. I didn't mean to preach...LOL, but I'm glad that helps. ;) Thanks Don!