Wednesday, March 07, 2007

How much does dating cost?

Ok...don't ask me where I get the idea to write these crazy blogs that I get, but don't fake the funk. You know you like 'em and find them quite interesting. ;-) Hence, you should not find this one any less interesting.

Ok, I know yall have noticed the stigma the media has placed on "being single." I mean, everywhere you look you have people telling you "you need to be with someone," be it the stupid e-harmony commercials, the disney channel movies that display nothing but a fantastical illusion of a princess meeting her prince charming (I'm quilty...those movies be good - don't laugh Millah, and let's not forget the irritating internet ads that showcase that fine caucasion brotha with the green eyes, or the blonde hair big-boobed girl for the fellas. Don't trip! I know I'm not the only one noticing this crap. But anyways, all this stuff is being thrown at us in a way that would suggest that we can't be happy single. This has "extra" started to really get under my skin lately.

Now, dig this. Most of us (that is...most of my friends that I know who read my blog), are single. So, I'm speaking more towards my target audience, which is probably mostly female between the ages of 18 to 30. A vast majority are single....probably a good 97%. I'm not leaving out the fellas either, I know some fellas do frequent my blog (and I'm most appreciative, please do continue). But I have noticed that girls tend to take their singledom much harder than guys. Yes, it's true. Because in some God-given natural way, we have the tendency to desire to nurture, build, and care for others (be it a mate, or a child, etc). And most women, who haven't completely given up on the thought of marriage, want to do so by the age of 30. And as we (I'm saying "we" so nobody feels singled out), get closer and closer to that age, a fear starts to hit. No, seriously, it starts to get a lil' scary. All kind of thoughts start going through our minds like "maybe nobody wants me." "maybe I'm not good enough," etc, etc, etc. The bad part is NONE of this is true. But society has practically programmed our minds to believe that we should not be alone, and like we're aliens if we're single....especially if you have the nerve to be nice-lookin', "stacked & packed" as some would put it.

But here's the question I propose back to society. WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH BEING SINGLE??? Absoluetely NOTHIN.' I ain't gonna lie...some times I get mad when I have to go to the tire shop alone and get new tires for my car and the sales guys are always trying to get an extra couple hundred dollars from me just cause I'm a lady and they assume I know nothing about cars...(boy I fixed them the last time). But it's those times when the ladies appreciate having the company of a significant other ( a male that is!!!) be able to handle those types of situations for you and you not even have to worry about it. But hey, you learn to deal on your own, or call a friend (like I did).

I just realized today that we really don't take the time to appreciate our singledom because we let the things around us tell us we don't need to alone. DON'T GET ME WRONG PEOPLE!!! By no means am I suggesting that dating and marriage should be avoided, if that's what you're ready to do. (Personally I think dating is pointless if both parties are not considering or getting ready for marriage.) I already discussed my issues with that in a previous blog and saying how the enemy has really crumbled the idea and the institution of marriage and we should not allow that to happen as Christians. But what I'm reminding you all is that there are some great joys in being single. Yes there is! Ladies: When we get together at lunch, we're trying to enjoy our ability to be able to call up each other and randomly go out without having to call up hubby to make sure it's ok with him first. But when we get there, what do we talk about??? What life is going to be like when we get the hubby. Awwww mannnn!!! Is there ever an escape? I'm not gonna lie...I get SICK of talking about it, being reminded about it. Gosh!!!

So anyways, (sometimes I crack myself up)... I get home from work today, walk up my apartment stairs, unlock the door, it's dark and cold in there (as if it would be anything different than when I left), and I walked in, turned on the lights and shouted, "Honey, I'm home." LOLOLOL....I'm telling you...sometimes I do the most random stuff it cracks me up. I just laughed myself through the house and said to myself "I always wanted to do that." But I did it as a mockery though. It feels good to come home and not have to worry about anything except you. I had plans to come home, take some sinus medicine, relax, watch the Pistons - Cleveland game and flip over to American Idol, let my hair wild, throw on some leggings and a big ugly shirt with some mix-match socks and eat a twix. lol. But before I did all that, I had to come and blog this. So, there you have it. I have my readers in mind. But, I'm sure this should spark up some interesting conversation.........................

I said all that to say to all my single brothas & sistas out there to ENJOY BEING SINGLE!!! It's not costing you anything at the moment, and it can be very refreshing if you let it be. Guys, no mood swings to filter through, gals - no shirts and creases to iron, etc, etc, etc.

Here's an interesting fact you might wanna consider before allowing yourself to wallow in the mud over being single...

How much does dating cost?
  • 51% of American men spend over $100 monthly on dates (the cheap ones :-), and 29% spend over $150,
  • while nearly 2/3 of U.S. women spend less than $50 a month. Maybe I shouldn't be single...I won't have to pay for food anymore. hahaha...

It's expensive to date. That sucks!


Ms. Pinky


Anonymous said...

Coast?!?!?! U have NO IDEA REALLY HOW MUCH IT REALLY COAST...... I will say that u made some very good points. Some things i agree on. And yes dates do coast ( fly to Dc stay in a 4 1/2 star suit dinner movies museum shopping dang i'm going to cry thinking about it......... and was a man the whole weekend slept on the pull out bed while she had the king) but enough about me to Answear the question "WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH BEING SINGLE???" Nothing is wrong with it, i mean if that's for you. I mean for a woman it's ok to go hang out, go to dinner, movies etc etc. with your girlfriends. Not for a man.I mean if I went out everyday with a different woman just as friends I'm a playa,because sooner or later one of those ladies no matter what she will start haven felings for you.And i can't hang with the fella to much because welll... Another topic diff day. Men Need to feel needed so if it's oil change,tires whatever that's for a man. but being single is not me. i love showing the woman that i'm with that she means the world to me by givin her the old skool love ( open doors help tie shoes etc we men say the cake stuff) U said something that made me think about something, u said "Honey, I'm home.".(this is just me thinking) i think your heart was tryin to talk to u if you were married or did have someone like a man or whatever, they would greet u with a kiss have your bath drawn and have a candle and with flowers peddles by the tub made dinner and just let you relax and wait on u had in footand he doesn't want anything. I mean if u don't like stuff like that then yea nothing wrong is being single.
Herbert Wright II

Anonymous said...

Yea, I agree with your note. I’m actually having things happen the other way around and women are “suggesting” that I date them. Though being single isn’t as great as you’re making it (kidding) I learned to be patient and just not get involved. Also, I’m learning quickly not to let ya’ll girls know where I work. Then you will be “expecting” too much. LOL. I use to date out of boredom, but I’ve learned to control that. I rather stay friends for a minute an if it gets to a level more then great. Also, I love the way ya’ll women try to “get over on” the fact that you are women. If Shanikqua wants to go out as friends, then Shanikqua needs to pay her own way. Don’t invite me anywhere, and then expect me to pay your way the only way I’m paying is if I asked you to accompany me. For the record, that’s not being cheap. That’s being smart! LOL Please foward all hate e-mail to Faith. Peace!

Anonymous said...

it is expensive but i dont have that problem...not because i depend on a man to pay my way but its because im BALLIN out of control!!!!LOL!!:o)