Wednesday, August 22, 2007

My thoughts & appreciation of seasonal blessings

What do you do when you feel like you are growing apart from people in your life you thought you would always remain close-knitted and connected to? I always wondered how the generation before me once had strong friendships with people for a long time in their life and then later on it was like they were never even part of their lives. I never understood that, but I see, being in the middle of the process, how something like that could happen overtime. I think the bottom line is that people change...whether for the better or for the worse...maybe only God knows, but what a loss it is. Me personally? There are some people presently in my life that I don't know how I'd cope if they were no longer closely apart of me anymore. But I'm not naive to the reality that in the process of time, people can drift apart. I think I'm just now really beginning to realize how much I am getting older. The evidence of it presents itself through my relationships with people. For the past 10 years, I've had sooo many friends and close-counterparts. As I get older, that number dwindles down more and more. I couldn't seem to understand it, but it's becoming more and more clear to me. As people get older, they change. The type of personality we had throughout those 10 years is not the same all together, and rightly so. We mature, our preferences change, our likes, wants, and needs change, and our relationships with people change. I guess my problem is, with the change, I've tried so long to still hold on to people that need to be let go of. My two bestfriends and I have this conversation all the time. Who's going to get married and have kids first, how much will that change our friendships, will our spouses be ok with us still being so close to each other, and will we even live close to one another anymore? It's a scary truth that soon, WE will be the mothers, the fathers, the pastors, the providers, the nurturers, trying to bring up another generation...and life won't be the same> But we'll learn how to let people go, adjust to our new lives and the past will just be the past like it is to our parents and forefathers. I have God to thank for placing the people in my life that he has. But sometimes, I think we hold on too long to people and we don't realize that God places them in our lives for the good, but not always forever...just for seasons. The problem with that is (I admit) I don't like seasonal friendships. :-( But I'd be lying if I said I wasn't satisfied with the joy that my people have brought to my life in this small space of time, until God advances us on to do greater things and we have to part ways. These are things I think about...chessy as it may be, I do. I hate when people have so much to say when it's too late. I'm telling you all now...I love & appreciate your contributions to my life...large and small! I have love for you all.



Anonymous said...

I love reading your blogs Faithe. I miss you on facebook. Its nice to know that someone out there has the same thoughts and feelings as I do. I have had so many people come and go out of my life. Some I was happy that they were gone and other's I wish that we were still close but life still has to continue on. My circle of friends has gotten smaller and smaller over the years, I find myself saying that I need to meet new people. I've learned quite a bit about myself in the past few years, for instance; I don't like to be alone. I'm at the point where I want to start my own family. Well, children later but...Anyhow, thanks for sending such a good read.

Shadonna :-)

Anonymous said...

Ahh. I love u too! And yes u been a blessing, even when u hurt my pockets!!!

